Tuesday 22 September 2009

Update all fields in Word, including headers and footers (Edit)

At 11th November last year, I post a piece of code to update all fields in a Word document. Some people respond that it didn't work. Well, I tried, and it seems that's true.
Today, I rewrote a new piece of code I found, and that seems to work fine. I created an extension method for the Word.Document object that does the trick.

Sub UpdateAllFiels(ByVal doc As Word.Document)

Dim section As Word.Section
Dim myRange As Word.Range
Dim myHF As Word.HeaderFooter


For Each section In doc.Sections

For Each myHF In section.Headers
myRange = myHF.Range

For Each aField In myRange.Fields
If aField.Type = Word.WdFieldType.wdFieldDocProperty Then
End If
Next aField

Next myHF

For Each myHF In section.Footers
myRange = myHF.Range

For Each aField In myRange.Fields
If aField.Type = Word.WdFieldType.wdFieldDocProperty Then
End If
Next aField

Next myHF

Next section

End Sub

So, now I am able to update all fields easily in my document. In my Word Add-on, I created a own ribbon tab, I placed a button on it, which does the following:


Note: Extension methods is supported on .NET framework 3.5 or higher

Edit: A little fix: 'doc.Fields.Update()' added to the code. This is the regular Word Update All Fields function (so without doing Headers and Footers).

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