Wednesday 4 June 2008

Performance issues with Virtual PC on laptops

If your Virtual PC runs in slow-motion try the following:

  1. Stop running Virtual PC
  2. Open notepad (or other text editor)
  3. Open %appdata%\Microsoft\Virtual PC\options.xml (appdata is a hidden directory)
  4. Add or edit <.virtual_machines.> section of the file and add this key:

    <.enable_idle_thread type="boolean">true
    eg. It should be on the same level as the node (just put it after the last <./virtual_network.> node)
    <.enable_idle_thread type="boolean">true<./enable_idle_thread>

  5. Save the file and exit notepad
  6. Start Virtual PC
  7. Don't forget to remove the dots in the XML above

Thanks to Virtual PC Guy's WebLog.

Addition: Some extra performance on vhd-files (here) (thanks to Frank).

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