Tuesday 11 June 2013

Free online 15GB+ storage alternative for Dropbox

Hi folks,

Dropbox is fine, but you can run out of space. There is a free alternative which give you even bigger storage, copy.com!
You start with 15GB and for every user who creates an account via yours, you both get 5 GB storage extra, for free.
So, start creating an account with this link: https://copy.com?r=2ClF1N and get the default 15GB + 5 GB extra, because of using this link (and I get 5 GB free as well :) ).

Copy.com supports both Microsoft and Mac OS X environment!

Thanks and have a nice day!


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Thank you for posting the free exclusive 15 GB storage. It is really a very useful information . Thanks for sharing here.

Warner said...
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Really i am impressed from this post....the person who created this post is a genius and knows how to keep the readers connected.

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